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Mechanical Production
Mechanical Production is oriented at manufacture of frame items from metal. The mechanical production facilities have developed output of frame electro-technical cabinets of on-floor and suspension type. Overall dimensions of cabinets can be determined by the customer or have standard values.
To review detailed information about products of the mechanical section go the supplier’s web-site here
Mounting and Assembly production
Mounting and assembly production facilities accomplishes work on assembly and mounting of printed-circuit boards, units, instruments, stands, executes adjustment of functional units, carries out climatic and mechanical testing.
To see detailed information go to the Supplier’s Web-site here
Tool-making shop
Tool-making shop specializes in making dies and press moulds of any complicacy. Application of electroerosion machines allows cutting plates up to 150mm thick with obtaining contours of any configuration.
To see detailed information go to the Supplier’s Web-site  here

Foundry-press production

The production has a good park of thermoplast automatic machines and is engaged in output of plastic material items.

To see detailed information go to the Supplier’s Web-site here
Supplier of products and services in all kinds of production - LTD RPI HARTRON-PLANT